What is GAIL?

Forming an Alliance

GAIL was formed in 2013 by a group of school principals, who shared the same educational philosophy. Initially, they met annually to discuss new ideas in innovative learning. 

One of the earliest ideas was to start an annual student conference. Student exchanges and staff research projects also began. The initial few schools have now grown to eight. It is GAIL’s desire to remain as a close-knit group of schools from a geographically and culturally wide range of countries.

Our Purpose

The Global Alliance for Innovative Learning (GAIL) is a progressive confederation of eight schools that are geographically dispersed and practise educational principles and ideals. 

All members of GAIL are forward-thinking, independent, co-educational schools. Each school is committed to developing informed, globally active learning communities that encourage contemporary solutions to international issues through collaboration, inquiry and service-learning initiatives. 

The Global Alliance is committed to building genuine connections based on authentic engagement, meaningful relationships, co-operation and trust. Implicit in this is the belief that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

GAIL is an international framework that encourages student exchanges, staff research fellowships and the opportunity to collaborate through the undertaking of purposeful service-learning projects on a global scale. The creation of intellectual property through interaction will permit all members of GAIL to enhance their own practice, while also providing a forum to inform and influence the practice of others. 

It is when we rub shoulders and engage authentically with those from other countries, cultures and backgrounds that we truly learn and discover the common humanity that transcends our differences.

Our Vision

We are committed to developing informed, globally active learning communities that encourage contemporary solutions to international issues through collaboration, inquiry and service-learning initiatives.

Our Mission

We encourage student exchanges, staff research fellowships and the opportunity to collaborate, on- and offline, through the undertaking of purposeful service-learning projects on a global scale.

What Happens at GAIL...